Cable Park Consulting and Sales – Mile High Wakeboarding
Please note:
At this time, we have several consulting projects in process. We are only accepting a limited number of addtional consulting projects. We have updated this page to include some basic information to help you.
After nearly four years of engineering, testing, riding, and improving, our 2-tower cable systems will be released to the public in 2015! More information coming soon.
Are you looking for information on building a wakeboard cable park or are you looking for a 2-tower cable system? Whether you are working on a smaller 2-tower wake park or your grand vision for the ultimate destination with every activity and idea under the sun… or under a roof, we hope to help save you time, money, and energy as you follow your passion. At the very least, we hope you won’t make the same mistakes we made or try to reinvent the wheel. Many ideas have been put to paper but there are still some “firsts” that could be all yours.
Let’s be clear from the start. We are not the first or the most experienced. We certainly didn’t have any intentions of getting into the cable consulting or manufacturing business (heaven knows we had absolutely ZERO experience) but that old proverb “necessity is the mother of invention” couldn’t hit the nail more firmly on the proverbial head. For various reasons – all of which could and should have been prevented – we made countless, expensive and unnecessary mistakes, in addition to many repetitive repairs. As we sorted, identified, and solved our own (multiple) mechanical, technical, operational and other challenges – in every single category you can imagine, we started receiving calls from other friends, co-enthusiasts, and other owners experiencing difficulty. After we solved their issues, invented and re-engineered some pieces of the puzzle, and improved their cable systems, we naturally fell into the problem-solving and engineering side of the business – which surprisingly, is a total blast. Tinkering and testing is actually fun! We call it safety testing and we like to safety test the heck out of things. 😉
We are always learning and creating, but looking back, our trial-by-fire and very expensive education gave us the know-how and ability to help build additional parks quickly, more efficiently, with better cable systems, and all for much less money. We know how to do things, how to run things, how to prevent bad things from happening, and what it takes to be successful. Whether you are just starting out, or are adding on to an existing operation, we are happy to help. From planning to presentations to detailed business how to’s (well beyond and much more detailed than a business plan) to speaking engagements and city meetings, to much, much more, MHW can help you at any or every step of the way.
There isn’t much free and unrestricted information available in the industry so to get you off on the right foot, we assembled enough information here to be able to put together a rough idea of what you are getting into without even having to pick up a phone. Hopefully something here can help you; and if it does, give us a shout and let us know! (mhwinfo -at-
Wakeboarding is in our blood and the more cable parks that get built, the better for everyone in the sport! Let us know if we can help.
NOTE: Mile High Wakeboarding mentioned in this article is not affiliated with the current; The article is posted for information purposes. Reach us if you would like it removed.